Discovering Indagini e Misteri

Indagini e Misteri is a travel and culture blog, a diary for sharing our studies on history, art and past civilizations. Every investigation begins with mystery, with the desire to reveal what is still unknown. The study of symbols, rituals and myths, of the artifacts that have come down to us opens the doors of knowledge, allows us to discover thoughts and cultural frames of people before us, tells about places and events, invites us to look beyond the boundary. We hope to convey the spirit of discovery that leads our steps!

Samuele and Daniela

Samuele e Daniela indagini e misteri

Latest articles

  • The mysteries of the fortified citadel of Milazzo

    The mysteries of the fortified citadel of Milazzo

    Between two wide inlets, the Gulf of Milazzo and the Gulf of Patti, stands imperious an ancient castle. The fortified citadel of Milazzo was one of Sicily’s most important strongholds, a spectator and actor at…

  • The Alchemical Door and the lost Villa Palombara

    The Alchemical Door and the lost Villa Palombara

    Along the streets of Rome two different facets coexist, since the historical past, so manifest and imposing, is contrasted by another more hidden, intimate one. It is the dimension linked to occultism and the ancient…

  • The abbey of Saint Antimo, on the way to light

    The abbey of Saint Antimo, on the way to light

    The abbey of Saint Antimo is reached by following a straight path, which stretches slowly between the slopes of verdant hills, adorned with centuries-old olive and cypress trees, and expanses of green vineyards. These are…

  • The Avignon Papacy or Babylonian captivity

    The Avignon Papacy or Babylonian captivity

    It was not so unusual for the pope to reside outside Rome – the city was often insecure and unruly – but that this would happen for some seventy years no one imagined. When Clement…

Blog categories

  • The Sanctuary of St. Michael on Mount Gargano

    The Sanctuary of St. Michael on Mount Gargano

    The monumental St. Michael’s Cave, on the Gargano promontory in northern Apulia, is a holy place since time immemorial. It is the place where the Sublime and the encounter with…

  • The transcendent silence of Fossanova Abbey

    The transcendent silence of Fossanova Abbey

    Except for the soft echo of footsteps walking among the pews and kneelers, nothing else can be heard between the aisles of Fossanova Abbey. There is a powerful, mystical atmosphere in this place. It permeates every essence, a transcendent hierophany that is beyond the limits of human comprehension. There is no word, no gesture that…

  • The sense of the mystery

    The sense of the mystery

    How many times have we been enraptured by the unfathomable beauty of a work of art, the magnificence of a painting or the ethereal plasticity of a sculpture? And how many times in our lives have we paused to observe a fascinating gaze that has stirred something deep within us? I vividly remember the unmistakable…

  • The abbey of Saint Antimo, on the way to light

    The abbey of Saint Antimo is reached by following a straight path, which stretches slowly between the slopes of verdant hills, adorned with centuries-old olive and cypress trees, and expanses of green vineyards. These are…

    The abbey of Saint Antimo, on the way to light

The authors

Samuele avatar


Samuele is the founder of Indagini e Misteri, a blog on anthropology, history and art. He has a degree in forensic biology and works for the Ministry of Culture. For pleasure he studies unusual and ancient things, such as unclear symbols or enigmatic apotropaic rituals. He pursues the mystery through adventure but inexplicably it is is always one step further.

Daniela avatar


Daniela is a coauthor in writing articles for Indagini e Misteri. Passionate about traditions and cultures, she has a PhD in development economics and has worked for FAO dealing with sub-Saharan African countries. She is a tough cookie and gets excited about new adventures or at the sight of ancient architecture.

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